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Can we imagining that the in some 100 years the established world of science and historians, say that the Apollo space program and NASA never existed, because at that point in time the technology for releasing travels out in space, didn't exist?

I just want us quickly go to Lebanon, and look at the ancient Roman Heliopolis “la cite du soleil” in Baalbek. The site is on the World Heritage List of Unesco. On this plateau stand the ruins of a group of Bacchus, Jupiter and Venus temples. They famous for their beauty and the grace of their architecture, but for centuries, this immense sanctuary has been surrounded by an mystery.


How was man able to shape, move and adjust the enormous blocks of stones?

And a even bigger question Why?


All these stones come from a quarry nearly two kilometers away. Each block was transported to the Baalbek site and had to be lifted about ten meters to be placed on a course of smaller basement stones. Each of these stones is over 250 cubic meters and weighs almost 800 tons.

They were erected almost two thousand years ago and despite all the technical skill of the Romans, no other examples are known throughout the rest of their ancient empire. Even for builders today the transport and installation would pose problems, despite the most powerful machines or the most sophisticated technologies.

(April 11–17, 1970) was the seventh crewed mission in the Apollo space program and the third meant to land on the Moon. 55 hours and 55 minutes into the mission, oxygen tank number 2 in the service module exploded. For such a serious event, there were no ready-made instructions, but they had to improvise. And it is what can be called a miracle that the crew managed to get the right path into the earth's gravity, without the rocket engine.

What I find so interesting with Jim Lovell the mission commander and his wife Marilyn's testimony is that she tells this that the ring fell and that it was an omen. I think that when events of this kind occur, we perceive it at the moment as a sign, a mysterious warning, a personal message, but how could she stop her husband from traveling into space, on such a basis? These weak signs have no credibility before anything has happened, we want the evidence.

USA Vs. Russia

2001, l'Odyssée de l'espace Film de science-fiction 1968  Stanley Kubrick

Solaris Film de science-fiction 1972 et drame de cinéma d' Andrei Tarkovsky

1984 (Novel 1949) George Orwell

Seeking for conception of a more and more divided world, on the one side and on the other hand the world gets more and more aligned into one fit. In G.Orwell's sci-fiction and apocalyptic work 1984, I find this problematic very distilled in this scene according to what I said in the beginning about the erasing events from history.

In side the Ministry of truth ( which concerns itself with lies) which is deliberat contradictions, ment to exercises doublethink). So the Doublethink is a process of indoctrination whereby the subject is expected to simultaneously accept two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in contravention to one's own memories or sense of reality. Doublethink is related to, but differs from, hypocrisy.

1984 ( Film 1956) - Edmond O'Brien, Michael Redgrave, Jan Sterling

This typ of doublethinking is also to be experienced in Franz Kafkas work “The Castle” 1926, Kafka died before he could finish the work, but suggested it would end with K, the protagonist. dying in the village, the castle notifying him on his death bed that his, "legal claim to live in the village was not valid, yet, taking certain auxiliary circumstances into account, he was permitted to live and work there."

L'Archive des ombres at MAC's. 2019. and the Mundaneum - sometimes described as the “paper Google” - in Mons. Founded by Paul Otlet, the “father of documentation” and the jurist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Henri La Fontaine. Paul Otlet's ambition was to catalog all of human knowledge in order to build world peace and to classify it using the CDU, a universal decimal classification system of which he is the inventor.

Interview about images, Fiona Tan expose «Geography of Time» at Mudam (Luxembourg) 2016

And Rise and Fall, 2009, two-channel video installation,

view at the Dutch Pavilion, 53rd Venice Biennale, 2009

Fritz Lang

Metropolis (Film 1927) Fritz Lang, Movie from the original sci-fi novel 1926 by Thea von Harbou


L'Enfance d'Ivan Film 1962

Solaris Film 1972

Le Miroir Film 1975

Stalker Film 1979

Le Sacrifice Film 1986

Sculpting in Time  (1987) Novel 1984

Andrei Tarkovsky

Apokalypsen som vision - The apocalypse as a vision  by Andrej Tarkovskij, Christo Burman (Novel 2010)


"It would be wrong to think that the Apocalypse only carries within it an idea of punishment. Perhaps hope is the most important thing it carries within itself. Although time is near - and for every one of us it is really very close - it is never for late for all of us together. The apocalypse is horrific for the individual, but for all together there is hope. over how much support one can find there for each state of mind. "

Assemblages Felix Guattari &

Machinic Animism

Assemblages Felix Guattari and Machinic Animism Film 2011
Maurizio Lazzarato, Angela Melitopoulos

This film reconstitutes the course of the thought and the therapeutic and militant practices of Félix Guattari in four places, or "territories", existential: the hospital of Saint-Alban, the clinic of La Borde.

CHILDREN'S GAMES, (Film 1999) a series of short videos initiated by Francis Alÿs at

KANAL, Centre Pompidou


No Room for Regrets 2021


Johan Muyle


How to blow up two heads at once 2006

Installation de sculpture

Yinka Shonibare


antiAtlas of borders 2017

Collective of researchers

Heath Bunting

Summary of thoughts

My artistic research focus around attitudes, the Idea worlds,what is a human being? Transhumanism and looking into the technologies that is used today like VR, chip implants, megascaling, nano technology, autonomous AI, to a simpel pacemaker. All this technologies for aim to improve and enforce the human capacities and prolong the life of the body. Death is from a transhumanist perspective, often viewed as disease that can be cured by technology and advanced medicine. But as Slavoj Zizek saying an interjuv immortality is view from the standing point of mortality, seen from our finito. The humanism in the way Pico della Mirandola expressit, in the book Discourse on the Dignity of Man (1486) and trance as in transition and to transcend personal and collective limitations.

I have been asking my self from an artistic point of vie what is real and how does different sides of realities interact with each others. The unknown have always been the artistic and the humanity's fuel through time. we can call it curiosity. That's what i mention many sci-fictions stories because it have captivated peoples fantasies and capability of imagination in modern time.

Trans as in being in another mindset, entering other mental territories and land territories. If there is nothing left in this world to discover and there is no more blank spots on the world map left? where is today's eventyr then? and it must be said that I have been sincerely concerned about this question for a long time. What will happen to the desire to discover things? seen from this mordanistical indoctrination I have come to perceive it as if our culture slowly have progressed in to be almost totalitarian, Its shown in films Metropolis or Matrix, the list can be long. Showing us how the “reality” is directing our behavior and take control over our desires. When in fact it feels like it should be the other way around. Not like social credits that we hear about in china. But be careful to not lose your job in europe because then you are in deep troubl

I see in my research signs that frames are very fixed bothe in the ideworld but also frome how the history is generaly presented at museums and in school books. Are we living in a too rationalised world? Is the spirit gone, is the temples empty? will the audience show up for the next show? I have tried to grasp this sentiment i see around me and the the contradictions, it could be wrong to call it a name.
Because the the contradictions reach into the idea that the world and the materials are animate.
I want her to us the expression expansion of disbelief and in a more egyptian way of thinking, say that Ra, the sun god, is manifesting himself through the sun. But Ra is also the sun that gives light and make plants grow. We have to think about the sun beyond symbols, but we also have raw inside our souls core, because the human emanates once from him. I agree with thouse how think that the deep chism here lies in the Cartesian separation of body and spirit.

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